STEP 4 of Sales Process – Demonstration

By Jim Hernandez (Click here to read article in Latin Business Today).

(Do it and business will grow a minimum of 15%… Guaranteed)

This is article # 1 based on a 4 part selling cycle that is further broken down into 8 major steps.

The four areas are focused on How to Find, Sell, Close, and Keep More Customers. We will begin by discussing step 1 of 8:

STEP 4 – Demonstration

This step can be delivered in so many ways, depending on what you sell. It is a very powerful step. Let me give you a few examples of what I am talking about:

  1. On the weekends at your local grocery story, there is the person at the end of each aisle that offers you a small taste of a product you, while they tell you how great it is. I am sure you have been tempted by a small taste of chocolate brownie or smoked salmon and left with the package as I have. Each time I had no plans on buying that item.
  2. At the car dealer, the salesperson will do their best (if they are good) to take you on a test-drive increase your desires for the new car. Just the smell of a new car can completely increase your desire to buy.
  3. Or if you sell insurance or financial products, your demonstration is when you bring out the projection or historical tables, that demonstrate the if you follow the plan and invest regulary, here is what has happened in the past, or what you can expect in the future.


The demonstration need to be sold in the presentation. A simple example would be when you walk into an Ice Cream store and they have beautiful glass display, with staff that can easily tell you about each type, but then after the description they offer you a small taste. It is the small taste that can close the deal.

So how important is this step. Over the years when I bring up this step, salespeople will often tell me how clever they are in being able to make a sale without a demonstration, and with some products this might be possible. However, in every seminar, and in every industry I always ask how many pairs of shoes have you bought without trying them one first, and participants react with … “What a ridiculous idea”… “Of course you have to try on shoes before buying them”.

Think of what you sell, and look at how you could do a better job of getting more customers involved in a demonstration, I promise it will not only increase your sales, but also increase the value of what you sell. (Assuming what you sell is good.)

Selling is about 8 simple steps and a lot of discipline

The following articles are based on a four-part selling cycle that is further broken down into eight major steps. The four areas are focused on “How to Find, Sell, Close, and Keep More Customers”.  Click on the modules for more details.